Monday, January 4, 2016

Monday, January 5, 2016

Instructor: Barbara Allie
Course: ARTS 4A Beginning Drawing
Classes Meet Tuesday and Thursday Starting at12:30
Room A52
Email: My Phone Number: 408.864.3524
Finals during finals week will be

Thursday: 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m.

This is an introductory course in basic elements of drawing using traditional and experimental media. 

Each class will begin with lecture, demonstration and discussion. There will be at least one project assigned each day. More time will be allocated for more advanced drawings.

It is very simple.  I expect all of you to be respectful of myself, of your peers and of the learning environment and to take responsibility for your own actions and behaviors. Any behavior that interferes with either (1) my ability to conduct the class or (2) the ability of other students (or yourself) to profit from the instructional program will not be tolerated. 

This Includes:
Arriving late to class.
Disruptive entrances and exits during lecture, if you must leave early, or arrive late, do so quietly.
Sleeping during class. Stay at home if you want to nap, it’s more comfortable.
Carrying on personal conversations while I am lecturing.
Not turning off cell phones while in class.
Text messaging and reading newspapers during lecture. 

Other important information:
I reserve the right to make changes to my syllabus at any time.
It is the responsibility of each student to participate in class and keep informed on any changes or new information given during lecture. 
I will not give you lecture notes, if you miss class, ask a peer to fill you in on what you missed.
If you miss an exam, quiz or other assignment, and you have a valid excuse, you must take the time to come and speak with me IN PERSON. You must bring proof of your valid excuse or I will not even consider your request to make up the missed work. I will not respond to emails regarding missed due dates.
If you miss three unexcused classes I will drop you from the class.
It is the responsibility of the student to drop classes; I will not drop you after the first week of class. If you decide you do not want to take this class and fail to drop, you will receive a grade of F at the end of the quarter. This grade is the bad because it makes you appear irresponsible.

* Please take responsibility for your failures and mistakes as well as your successes by not making excuses.

Learn basic drawing principles as they relates to drawing.
Demonstrate an understanding of the terminology, tools, and techniques used in drawing process.
Apply drawing skills in the interpretation of subject matter.
Plan and produce effective drawings.
Draw from an objective point as well from imagination.
Demonstrate an understanding of the creative process (planning, intuition, technique, execution and evaluation).

“Keys to Drawing”, by Bert Dodson – ISBN 978-0-89134-337-0
Art Supply Kit is Available in at the De Anza Bookstore. 

Student’s ability to solve drawing problems
Projects that demonstrate an understanding of various elements and principles of drawing.
Portfolio of all course work.
Demonstration of growth! Are you improving and developing new ideas and skills?
Final project of accumulated skills.
How well you clean up after yourself and adhere to cleaning policies. 
Failure to submit assignments or late submissions
Effort, neatness, professional appearance, working diligently and with focus  
Punctuality and handing in all required work on time.
Class participation: sharing ideas in class discussions and critiques, alertness, following instructions, being respectful and cooperative in the classroom

Points will be deducted if you fail to bring required items to class. 
Point system: 
1,000 possible points 
Knowledge of drawing materials and techniques = 150 points
Class Projects= 500 points
Final Project= 200 points 
Test = 100 points (the tests may be written or painting assignments)
Class participation  = 50 points 
Your earned grade will depend on the effort you put into class participation, assignments, quizzes, and your final project. Assignments are due at the beginning of class on the designated date. All written work must be typed, and proofread before it is submitted. 

1000 points – 800 = A
800   points – 600 = B
600   points – 500 = C
500   points – 400 = D
400   points – 200 = F

If unable to attend class, it is your responsibility to get the missing assignments from one of your peers. I would advise you to get the name and email of another student in class within the first two or three days of class.

FINAL PROJECT (It is mandatory that you be in attendance during the final day – no exceptions)
Students are to present examples of their assignments created during the quarter in class. I will discuss this in more detail as the final draws near. If you are unable to make a final presentation you will have the option to turn in a six page term paper on a topic approved by instructor several weeks ahead of due date. 

The quizzes will cover material presented in lectures, readings, online materials, and class activities. Quiz dates will be announced one week in advance. 

Participation grades will be determined by 1) the quality and quantity of class exercises and course activities completed and 2) participation in class. 

Additional descriptive material and course content will be presented as the courses proceeds. Please feel free to contact instructor about all concerns related to this class. Should you want to talk on a one on one basis please email me at the above address.

DRAWING SUPPLIES: Student Materials List

White (Strathmore) bond drawing paper, 18” x 24”
Newsprint pad, 18” x 24”
White (Strathmore) bond drawing paper, 18” x 24”
Charcoal pencils and sticks (darkest color)
Vine charcoal sticks
Conte’ Crayons Black, Brown, and White
Charcoal stumps (trillions)
Graphite pencils 6h, 4h, 2h, 2b, 4b, and 6b
Ink Black and Sepia (brown) ink
Pen, Speedball w/2 different size nibs: medium & large
1 watercolor brush #7 (inexpensive)
Erases (art gum pink pearl, kneaded)
Drawing board, 24” x 30”
Xacto #1 knife and blades #11 (5 pkg)
1 knife with retractable blade, Xacto brand
18’ ruler (wooden with metal edge)
Sketchbook (average size)
Fixative (Krylon)
Portfolio container large enough to hold papers 18” x 24”

NOTE: You will be required to buy extra colored papers. I will explain in class exactly what you are to buy and when.

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