Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Final Assignment

For your final in this class, you are to select three drawings that you feel are particularly good. They should be selected from three different mediums, that we explored in the class over the quarter. Then, you are to show them to your fellow students, while explaining why you think they are good drawings.

You should limit the presentation time to no more than ten minutes. You may however present them in any way you choose. For example you could take photos of them, and put them into a PowerPoint presentation. However, you may want to just mount them a a presentation board; which would be perfectly acceptable.

This presentation will take place on the last day of class.

You will also be graded on your portfolio of all of the artwork that you did in class as well. This portfolio is due the last day that we hold class. I will take them all home and grade them, and then return the portfolio to you the day of the final. You may want to select the three drawings you are going to present in class, and take photos of them; so, that you have something to refer to as you are pulling together your presentation.

Please feel free to email me if you have any questions about this final assignment or what you should turn in in your portfolio. I will go over every thing about the final in class as well.

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